I got together with two new generation gays (Marie and Scott) at Canada's top secret gay headquarters (Starbucks) to get their take on modern dos and don'ts for parents with gay kids coming out. But don't worry parents! I've got a big gay guide to help you out. Coming out is a crucial juncture that can often make or break the child-parent relationship. However, even for modern, progressive parents, there are blunders that can cause unnecessary and often unintentional hurt. These increasingly open examples of a normalized homosexual adulthood are giving young gay men and women the courage to be honest and open about their sexuality, and are changing the opinions of the people they are coming out to. According to Statistics Canada, the number of same-sex families standing up to be counted shot up 42.4 per cent between 20. More gay people are coming out and coming out earlier than ever before in this country. This article was originally published Apand was updated June 1, 2020.